Scientists May Be Able to Detect the Spread of COVID-19

Greetings Everyone, I came across an update regarding COVID-19 and had to share my findings. The following information comes from The Verge. As the coronavirus spreads across the globe, it mutates in tiny ways. Scientists may be able to use those mutations to track how it’s spreading from person to person. Synthetic Biologist at Ginkgo…

Will There Be A Global Recession or Depression?

There have been countless debates on whether COVID-19 will be the precursor to another depression or not, so it was only right that I did some research. This virus has brought the world’s economy to a halt and many economists have predicted that it will lead to a recession. If you’re like me, you’re probably…

Words From The Wise: Dr. Marimba Ani

“You’re not an African because you’re born in Africa. You’re an African because Africa is born in you. It’s in your genes…your DNA…your entire biological make up. Whether you like it or not, that’s the way it is. However, if you were to embrace this truth with open arms…my, my, my…what a wonderful thing.” –…

Meet Doctor and Artist Fola David

During these times, it’s always nice to find some inspirational news. The following comes from Aljazeera. Dr. Fola David is a visual artist from Lagos, Nigeria, who uses his day job as a medical doctor to inspire his art. He advised the following: “In the hospital, I mainly use my hand to take care of…

The Senate’s $2 Trillion Relief Bill

I did some research on the Coronavirus Relief Bill that was passed this week and I wanted to share my findings. The following information comes from A $2 trillion coronavirus response bill was passed by the Senate to provide relief for individuals and businesses during the economic freeze in America. Senate Majority Leader Mitch…

Artificial Intelligence Headed to the Lab

Greetings Everyone, I came across some interesting but not surprising news earlier and had to share. The following information is from  To remove the need for human supervision in laboratories, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being applied to a new SPM operation. The new system is called DeepSPM, and it will bridge the gap between…

Kenyan Scientists Join the Search for COVID-19 Cure

Greetings All, I came across another update regarding the coronavirus and had to share my findings with you all. The following information comes from the Daily Nation. Kenyan scientists have joined the global search for a vaccine for COVID-19. A research team from The University of Nairobi (UoN) has come up with a research protocol…

The Hadza

  Since I’ve been able to catch up on my reading, as well as research, I figured this would be the perfect time to take another viral trip around the globe. The continent tends to be my go-to, mainly because of its diversity. And I ended up in Tanzania where the last remaining hunter-gatherers reside….

Rest In Peace, Dr. Afrika

I just received word that one of my favorite Holistic Health scholars, Dr. Llaila Afrika, has transitioned. If you’ve been following this blog, then you know that I’ve referenced his work numerous times. He’s been my go-to to understanding the human body for the past 10 years, and he’ll be greatly missed. If you’re unfamiliar…

African DNA Could Fight Diseases?

For years, I’ve heard the narrative about the human race beginning in Africa and that African genetics are unique. Well, given the pandemic happening across the globe, I started questioning the validity in those assessments; not just for an ego boost but for clarity on whether or not African DNA is beneficial to curing diseases….

COVID-19 Experts

There’s an overabundance of COVID-19 discussions happening right now, but I came across one that kept my attention. Patrick Bet-David recently interviewed Dr. Gerald Parker and Professor Andrew S Natsios to get their take on this pandemic. Both touched on ways to combat the virus, who is at risk, the effect it will have on…