The Solution

Us: How do we nation build? Ancestors: Start Here… Until Next Time…

Japan’s Flying Drone

Greetings Everyone, I came across some interesting IT news today and had to share it with you all. The following information comes out of Jalopnik. Japanese electronics NEC tested its flying drone prototype recently, and it has everyone buzzing. Many have mistakenly called it a “flying car,” but it’s a drone that people can ride…

The Hidden Lives of “Housegirls”

The abuse of women is a discussion that’s constantly had but often downplayed. Black women, in particular, tend to be the number one victims. As someone who refuses to ignore the realities of this world, I want to share a few documentaries on African women who work as domestic servants. They are called “Housegirls.” The…

Dialogue With Dads

Greetings Folks, In a previous post, I highlighted an amazing organization, Black Fathers Rock. Well, last night I was able to attend the “Dialogue with Dads” open forum and wanted to share some of the discussion with you all. Hosted by founder Ryan Jor El, the purpose of “Dialogue with Dads” is to create a…

Rwandan President Addresses Food Shortages in Africa

Greetings Everyone, Ever since I saw the clip of Rwandan President Paul Kagame calling out African leadership, I’ve been a supporter. And I’ve come across some recent news of his that I had to share. The following information comes from the Rwanda Broadcasting Agency. President Kagame is urging African leaders to tackle the food shortage…

Mind Control

About 5 years ago, I was sitting in my apartment down in Florida channel surfing. It was on a Saturday night, so finding a movie or re-run that would cloud my non-existent social life was the top priority. But after about 15 minutes of scrolling through meaningless content, I turned off the TV, unplugged the…

Girls in ICT

Greetings Good People, In a previous post, I highlighted an amazing program for Black girls in STEM, Black Girls Code, and recently came across another that deserves recognition. The following information comes from Loop Jamaica. Over 300 girls represented Jamaica in the 2019 Caribbean Hackathon for International Girls in ICT (Information and Communications Technology). Organized…

French Colonial Rule In West Africa

Greetings All, I’ve been trying to stay abreast with international news, specifically with Africa, and came across some information that led to further research. According to BBC News, there have been a few protests throughout Paris, France regarding immigration. The demonstrators behind this are called “The Black Vests.” The Black Vests The “Black Vests” migrant…