Online Salute

Greetings All, If you’ve been following this blog, then you know that Pan-Africanism has been a hot-button topic. With the rise of African consciousness, discussions of repatriation have become the norm in my community. There are a few independent media outlets who’ve done a great job at educating the masses on this subject, and Honest…

Project KKIS: Ms. Del Learning Center

Greetings Good People, I was watching a live stream from Afrikan Esq when she advised that Project KKIS (Keep Kids in School) will be collecting school supplies for the children of Ms. Del Learning Center in Gressier, Haiti. KKIS is a fundraising campaign that distributes school supplies to children in need. Dwayne Wong Omowale, author…

SpaceX Dragon Delivers Cargo

Greetings Everyone, I saw some interesting news regarding NASA and wanted to share it with you all. The following information comes out of A SpaceX Dragon cargo ship delivered nearly 3 tons of NASA supplies at the International Space Station (ISS) today. The spacecraft is carrying about 5,500 lbs of experiments and supplies for…