Memory Erasure is Currently in Development

For years, Sci-Fi films and speculative fiction novels have centered plots around brain manipulation and memory erasure, so the idea of this coming to fruition isn’t surprising. But would it be ethically ok to practice, and would there be any psychological setbacks? Researchers are still trying to figure that out. According to the National Library…

Book Review

In my last book review, I highlighted Neuroscientist/Adjunct Stanford University Professor David Eagleman’s breakdown of the human brain. In his book, The Brain: The Story of You, Professor Eagleman discusses the inner workings and functionality of our brains. One aspect that piqued my interest was our brain’s ability to rewire itself. This led me to…

Book Review

Greetings Folks, I just finished reading The Brain: The Story of You by David Eagleman, and I wanted to share my thoughts. Imagine you’re making a simple choice, standing in the frozen yogurt store, trying to decide between two flavors you like equally. Say these are mint and lemon. From the outside, it doesn’t look…

2045 Initiative: Making Humans Immortal?

I’ve been a fan of science fiction for quite some time. Recent films like Transcendence and Replicas kept me “edutained” and intrigued about science and technology. But there is a project in the works that’s turning fiction into a reality, and I’m not sure how I feel about it. 2045 Initiative Founded by Russian Entrepreneur…

How Powerful is the Human Brain?

With the rise of artificial intelligence, comparing robots and humans has become inevitable. Folks tend to romanticize a world controlled by a computer, but I’ve questioned it. And this led me to start researching a computer that many of us (myself included) take for granted, the human brain. According to Live Science, the human brain…